Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Moving all the Bricks . . . A Long Hot Day! (part 2)

WOW! Those bricks were very heavy to move.  And I am still moving them here and there for the landscaping around the back yard.
This very cheep 29 dollar cart has been incredible or this task! It's very beat up but still going strong!

http://www.youtube.com/Part 2

Here is the cooling spot:
Lots of Water
& a Very  Strong Fan.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Intex Above Ground Pool Start - Removing the Blocks!

One day I saw a pool on sale at Target.  
     A 16 foot round pool at 48 inches deep.  
          The box said "Ready for Swimming in Two Hours". 
                 Easy Right?

Here is the first video of the Pool Adventure.
                        I started this Project in June of 2012!

http://www.youtube.com/Part # 1